CSR & ESG Strategy
"Doing well by doing good" is a motto that is no longer questioned. ESG considerations are becoming key to investment decision-making while CSR is on the agenda of many corporate organizations to attract customers, retain employees and nurture reputation. But ESG is today as much about reputation as it is about risk management. It is indeed becoming reckless to ignore environmental and societal impacts as overlooking sustainability topics could jeopardize future returns. By minimizing today harm to people and planet, you do minimze future risks. Hence, the importance to incorporate both financial factors and ESG factors in your investment process.
To be effective, sustainability strategies must emphasise materiality as not all ESG issues matter equally. While this relevance varies by geography, industry and, within a given industry, by company; it is important to focus on the ESG issues that are material to your business and matter to your stakeholders, and to define material, pragmatic CSR strategies aligned with your corporate strategy.

Our services include:
· ESG Reports
· CSR Reports / Sustainability Reports
· Alignment with GRI Reporting Standards
· Alignment with SDG Principles
· Integrated Report
· SFDR compliance
· ESG / CSR certifications
· ESG monitoring & ESG Reporting
· Annual reports & corporate collaterals
Distinct Consulting is a consultant and auditor for the ESR label (Entreprise Socialement Responsable) from INDR (Institut National pour le Développement Durable) since its inception in 2009.
Distinct is a founding member of ProRSE (Association of CSR professionals in Luxembourg).