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The Blog

Laurence Ponchaut
Jan 126 min read
CSRD : L'exigence d’un reporting ESG aussi rigoureux que le reporting financier
Avec l’entrée en vigueur de la directive européenne CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), les entreprises doivent...

Laurence Ponchaut
Jul 18, 20242 min read
CSRD : Découvrez les Data Points exigés pour chaque ESRS !
Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la Directive CSRD, l’EFRAG a récemment mis à jour et publié une ressource essentielle pour les...

Laurence Ponchaut
May 18, 20243 min read
CSRD vs. CSDDD : quelles différences ?
Ces dernières années, l'Union européenne a montré un fort engagement envers la durabilité grâce à sa stratégie visant à devenir une...

Laurence Ponchaut
Apr 24, 20242 min read
CSRD : Introducing the ESRS S1 - Own Workforce
The European Union's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) mandates a new level of sustainability reporting for companies...

Laurence Ponchaut
Apr 12, 20242 min read
🌍 CSRD : ESRS and DR Explained
At Distinct Communication, our goal is to provide clarity and actionable insights on emerging regulatory frameworks shaping corporate...

Laurence Ponchaut
Mar 20, 20242 min read
CSRD: Why are small companies concerned? It's a Value Chain Affair!
While it's the larger corporations that are in the spotlight with direct reporting requirements under the CSRD, let's not overlook the...

Laurence Ponchaut
Dec 6, 20231 min read
CSRD: EFRAG has published its Double Materiality guidelines
EFRAG has just released its guidelines on double materiality, marking a significant shift in how companies will approach this exercise...

Laurence Ponchaut
Jan 4, 20231 min read
Lobbyiste, un métier noble (Article PaperJam - Décembre 2022)
Le lobbying est un secteur souvent mal perçu et manquant encore de transparence au Luxembourg. Et cela, malgré quelques avancées ces...

Laurence Ponchaut
Jun 15, 20224 min read
Tout savoir sur la CSRD
La Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) constitue une mise à jour majeure de la directive sur l’information non...

Laurence Ponchaut
Oct 13, 20212 min read
Article PaperJam 29/09/21 - Letzpact, une asbl pour représenter les lobbyistes
Article de Jérémy Zabatta La nouvelle asbl Letzpact s’est donné pour mission de représenter les professionnels des affaires publiques au...

Laurence Ponchaut
Oct 13, 20213 min read
Article Luxembourg Wort 04/10/21 - Si tous les lobbyistes voulaient se donner la main
Pas de honte à avoir d'être "consultant en affaires publiques". Et c'est pour le faire savoir et améliorer le savoir-faire des...

Laurence Ponchaut
Feb 23, 20211 min read
Retrouvez l'intégralité de notre webinaire: L'économie circulaire des talents.
ProRSE a rassemblé plus d'une quarantaine de personnes autour du thème de l'économie circulaire des talents le 25 février 2021 en...

Laurence Ponchaut
Jan 6, 20211 min read
Why a frog?
Do you know the "leap frog"? It is this phenomenon which sees emerging countries catch up in terms of infrastructure and technologies by...

Laurence Ponchaut
Jun 24, 20201 min read
Distinct in the press
6 very simple steps starting with a strong leadership, embracing the recognition that victories are won by teams not individuals and...

Laurence Ponchaut
May 1, 20203 min read
6 communication tactics to emerge stronger post-COVID and stay relevant in the "new normal"
During a time of intense uncertainty, in the rise of a contact-less economy and as remote working becomes mainstream, communication...

Laurence Ponchaut
Apr 16, 20202 min read
Coronavirus: How to gain an edge in turbulent times and rise your team to its absolute best
The coronavirus is rocking the world creating a number of challenges. But the adversity of the situation might unite your team to rise it...

Laurence Ponchaut
Mar 19, 20202 min read
COVID: 5 crisis communication tips to observe
With the coronavirus outbreak, many events are being cancelled and a case may be reported among your staff. In crisis situations like...

Laurence Ponchaut
Nov 12, 20191 min read
3 communication tips from Apollo 13 mission
Remember the well-known “Houston, we have had a problem... We've had a main B bus undervolt.” Nobody started panicking. They set to work...

Laurence Ponchaut
Sep 18, 20192 min read
The top 4 benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility
An organization built upon responsibility is one informed of its social and environmental impacts and as such, one well postioned to tap...

Laurence Ponchaut
Mar 12, 20191 min read
Get your managers to better communicate to engage
The reason #1 for leaving a company is poor management. Unfortunately, not all managers are good managers. One of the main trait of a...
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